Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Theme Park Sculpture.


For my theme park sculpture, I brainstormed various ideas before settling on creating a sculpture of a game commonly found at theme parks or carnivals. Using wood, ink, and nails, I crafted a game with multiple targets, some containing nails for added depth. In the center of the main target, I placed a black dart.

To construct the sculpture, I started by cutting a flat piece of wood and creating a frame using two long plywood pieces. After painting the frame and base with ink and letting it dry. While drying I shaped shallow cylinders of wood and painted them in vibrant colors of purple, red, and blue. I then Nailed these cylinders through the back of the board to create some elevated targets.

Next, I painted rings onto the targets and fashioned a dart that i painted black. I then placed in the center. My inspiration for this project stemmed from my love of games, and creating it was an enjoyable experience.

SS Newton (Cardboard Ship)

For my project using only cardboard, I decided to construct a pirate ship. I started by drafting schematics and calculating measurements. Then, I began the cutting process, first crafting the frame and then adding levels. Layering the cardboard, I created the appearance of planks for the ship's hull. After building the base, I added railings and pillars to support the sails. To ensure stability, I created a stand for the base by outlining the shape of the ship and cutting that shape into two pieces of wood. Finally, I painted the entire ship brown and the sails white. As a finishing touch, I added twine and tied lines of string to each pillar, enhancing the ship's authenticity. Creating the Shoe as the 1st project helped with this one ALOT.

Green Family (memento)

 For my memento project, I initially considered various ideas but ultimately found inspiration in a memorable moment: my family and I getting splashed with slime. That week I found the photo album with that exact trip. To bring this scene to life, I started with a square piece of wood, which I shaped into a cylinder. After cutting it, creating a top I took two dowels and cut them into pieces to create a descending order. At the top of the cylinder, I painted in a vibrant green slime to symbolize our collective sliming experience as a family. To secure everything, I used glue to attach another piece of wood underneath the lid for a snug fit. The wood clapping sounds were not pleasing to me. Finally, I arranged the dowels inside the cylinder to represent my family. In total, my memento project consisted of wood, acrylic paint, and hot glue.

figurative bust

For my assignment, I decided to focus on nuclear power and toxic waste. I felt these topics complemented each other, especially considering the connection between nuclear power and the production of toxic waste. To visually represent toxic waste, I depicted a person wearing a gas mask surrounded by barrels and spilled waste. nuclear power, I created an image of a person with a nuclear power plant for a head, symbolizing the impact of nuclear power on our environment and society. Additionally, I incorporated elements of a broken city reminiscent of the city of Chernobyl, which is uninhabitable for another 20,000 years due to a nuclear disaster. Through these visuals, I aimed to illustrate both the consequences of nuclear power and the responsibility we have to manage its byproducts.

Masking tape shoes


Starting this project was both exciting and scary because it was our first time creating something from scratch. It took me a long time to shape the sole of the shoe. Also using an X-Acto knife to carve the bottom. To keep things organized, I made a plan where I listed each step and labeled them in order. This helped me stay on track and put the shoe together properly. Relying on the "if you can feel it you have to make it" method was a challenge, but i think this gave me a good foothold for diving into the rest of the semester projects.

Theme Park Sculpture.

  For my theme park sculpture, I brainstormed various ideas before settling on creating a sculpture of a game commonly found at theme parks ...